Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank goodness Clancy was here! Her CPR skills came in handy after we got back from our walk. I did lunges and jogged a little. I never thought about the fact that I'd be at home alone when I had my heart attack. Thanks to Clancy I'm doing well and we're getting ready to turn in for the evening.

Clancy says, " It was nothing."


  1. Gave us a good laugh! We're just waking up in CA--we're gonna get some breakfast and try to put up a post from yesterday! Love you. M

  2. Hey M., this made me LOL (I've wanted to say that for years!) C-May is some dog . . . why she's a regular hero! Megan will throw up not only in her mouth but her hands as well!
    Love, A.

  3. hahah!! I was telling Mike that I love how creative you've been with these pictures! (: ... and I'm glad Clancy was there to save you!
